You're making people (i.e. me) hungry over the internet again. That looks really good!

(Also "I can't remember, do I like that?" "Yes, now shut up and eat it." :-D )

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At least you check! :)

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I once worked with a cook who would make tuna pasta bake with sweetcorn in, but had never actually tried sweetcorn herself. I could not get my head around that at all, how could a cook be so un-curious about a food? Especially one they were serving!

I like to try new things and even revisit things I have previously disliked to see if my tastes have changed (there may be hope for Stilton but I think celery is a lost cause).

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I'm right there with you! Ostentatious waste of food particularly grinds my gears. People who buy a different brand of something to their usual, then leave a review saying words to the effect of "Ghastly, took one bite and dropped it in the bin." There's no need for it.

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